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European Biotech Week and Emilia-Romagna Open: Open Day

Modena, September 20, 2019 – During EUROPEAN BIOTECH WEEK and EMILIA-ROMAGNA OPEN Event, Friday 27 September 2019 Holostem will open its doors to the city with two events:

  • Open Day from 15:00 to 17:00 for the discovery of stem cells and their clinical application for the treatment of rare diseases without therapeutic alternatives. Citizens will be able to visit the research laboratories of Holostem and the Regenerative Medicine Center “Stefano Ferrari” and discover the path that leads from basic research to the development of two advanced therapies: cell therapy for the reconstruction of the ocular surface and gene therapy for the epidermolysis bullosa or butterfly children disease.
  • Meeting with the Municipal Councilors of Modena from 5.30pm. Holostem and the  Centre for Regenerative Medicine “Stefano Ferrari”, awarded in 2015 by the Municipal Council of Modena with Bonissima for the work carried out in the field of medical-scientific research on stem cell-based advance therapies, will receive Municipal Councilors for a meeting presentation of the university spin-off and the advanced therapies developed in Modena.

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Four continents – America, Asia, Europe and Oceania – together again to celebrate, from Monday 23rd to Sunday 29th September 2019, Biotech Week: a week of events dedicated to the biotechnology sector.

The event, launched a decade ago in Canada, landed in Europe in 2013 by the will of EuropaBio – European Association of Biotech Companies – on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the discovery of the DNA structure. The event aims to tell biotech to a vast and heterogeneous public in its various fields of application (biotechnology for health, biotechnology for the food industry, biotechnology for industry and the environment) and celebrate the key role these technologies play in improving the quality of life for all of us.

Seven days during which it will be possible to undertake a fascinating journey to discover technologies that use living organisms, such as bacteria, yeasts, plant and animal cells, or parts of them, for the development of products and processes that can be used and applied in various fields: from diagnostic therapy, from agri-food to industrial processes, through environmental remediation to renewable energies.

Italy will be the protagonist of this sixth edition with about 70 events from north to south of the peninsula. Coordinated at national level by Assobiotec, the national association for the development of biotechnologies that is part of Federchimica, the event obtained in 2015 the “Medal of the President of the Republic” as a representation prize and enjoyed in the past edition of the patronage of the Senate of the Republic and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.


Emilia-Romagna OPEN is an initiative dedicated to citizens of all ages and students  to discover the industrial and research heritage of the Emilia-Romagna region.

A week of appointments to visit and learn about excellent productions, working processes, corporate museums and research centers in the region.

A unique opportunity to enter companies and laboratories and to experience the transformations of the Emilia-Romagna industrial world, able to hold together tradition and technological innovation, past and future, thought and action.

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